Monday, January 16, 2012


Well, Makenzie's hives have pretty much cleared up, thankfully. She had them on her face pretty bad yesterday. She still didn't seem bothered by them much, although she was itching her inner thighs like crazy. I put some Benadryl cream mom had on them and then put her jammies on. She woke up with only a few spots here and there. I'm hoping it was just the dyes from the new clothes that caused them. I can't think of anything else it could be, unless it was something in her cake from her birthday, which is doubtful.

She's been doing great in the crib. I only remember her waking once last night, and she let out a whine and fell back asleep. I'm proud of her! She slept with me for a long time, and to get used to her crib so quickly is great. I really miss her sleeping with me, but she'll be better off in there. She has also been napping great. She's always been a pretty good napper, so to be a great one? Pretty awesome! 

So I don't know if anyone else had been following the blog EB"ing a Mommy. What a sad story. The little boy, Tripp, was born with the disease, and he passed away the other night. It looks like an awful thing for a little baby to have to go through, and I can only imagine how hard it was on his mom, and how hard it was for her to say goodbye to him. I would never wish something like that on even my worst enemy. If anyone goes to visit, check out the videos at the top of the page...he really knew how to play the drums!!!

I'm still trying to finish the blog for Makenzie. I have had a couple people ask to see it. It's a blog I started when she was born, and I write to her whenever I feel like it. I'm so happy I did it. I was reading some posts the other night, and it's crazy to think of everything that has happened in a year. I'm still trying to get the layout how I want it, and I can only spend so much time online since I have a very busy one year old to chase after, but I promise I'll post a link to it on my blog soon :) 

Anyway, I guess that's all for now. Going to get some things done while the princess is sleeping <3


  1. I just read some of that blog and I couldn't go any further, what a story :( I started balling. She's soo strong, a lot stronger then I would be. No matter what condition anyones baby has they are their world and that's it. Breaks my heart, I couldn't imagine being in her shoes but send her my love and prayers to get through this. She's amazing!!

  2. It's scary how these diseases are things I've never heard of. What makes her even more amazing is she did it alone! I don't know why the father left them, so I can't judge him, but for her to do it alone (with her mom's help) is amazing. I'd have such a hard time coping...for one, having to see my child go through that, and for two, knowing I'm going to lose them. It's crazy how much your views on life and everything change when you have a baby.
