Saturday, January 14, 2012


Well, the hives have spread to Makenzie's arms, legs, and face. They're gone from the stomach for the most part, so I think they're spreading to other places, but fading from where they started. They especially look awful on her face, but they don't seem to bother her. Sometimes when I'm changing her, she looks like she's trying to itch, but I'm not sure. She's been acting totally fine still, though.

I forgot to mention, at her appointment, we were told she's getting her molars. I guess that could explain why she's been a little cranky at night! We got her some Advil yesterday, hopefully that helps. She has been doing pretty good in her crib. If she's half asleep when I first put her in, I don't hear the screaming til she wakes a couple hours later. If she's awake, I hear it right off. Either way though, it doesn't last long. Less than ten minutes, and she's out. I hear her wake probably three times in the night now that she's in there, but have decided we're going to stop any night feedings. I just listen, and eventually, she falls back asleep. It seems mostly she's asleep within five minutes or less, so that's good. I have decided not to go in her room at all though, until 4 am at the earliest. If she cries anytime after that, I get her and bring her in bed with me, and feed her. She falls back asleep for a few more hours, til we're up for the day. I know she's only waking more and crying because she's not used to being alone (and maybe a mix of teething), but she's doing so good. Naps have been just as easy, and  it's nice to not feel like I have to be there beside her to get her to sleep. I can get things done, like cleaning, or I can just have some time to myself. 

We are doing Christmas with Dad and Amanda next week. I have kept putting it off, and need to go finish up my shopping. Thankfully, I had already bought for Sydney and Danny, so it's just Dad and Amanda. I also need to think of something to make. Hmmm.

I ordered a Diamond Candle yesterday! I hate that they're so expensive, because I feel guilty spending the money, but I think it's a fun idea, and I had a coupon from a friend for $5, so I spent $24. I guess if your ring is worth at least $10, you're really only spending $14 on the candle, so whatever right? I bet mine has a $5000 ring though. Haha, kidding...I don't have that kind of luck.

Well, I suppose I should get some things done while Makenzie naps!!



  1. I want one of those candles!! I don't know if I can bring myself to spend close to $30 on one lol maybe when I get my income taxes!! Let me know how it smells!! :)

  2. Okay I will! It took me forever to decide to buy one because that is expensive. I still feel guilty but between Gus and I, we have a pretty good tax return coming! I never spend money on myself, so I figured I deserve something. I will let you know :)
