Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Day 8

It was pretty crappy looking for most of the day today, but the second it cleared up, I got Kenzie dressed, and we headed out for a walk. She was excited, because she just loves being outside, and I like being able to take her for walks. :) Every day it seems shorter; I guess I'm probably just getting used to it! I would go farther, but I'll be honest, the horse flies on that road make me want to knock someone out. NO joke...the most annoying thing ever. Anyone driving by probably thinks I'm a fool, because I'll be swatting the air, smacking my head, and shaking my head all over the place. I can't stand any bugs, but these things aren't just in your face, then go away when you swat them. They land on your head, half the time getting stuck in your hair then freaking out, you swat them, they go in a circle around your head, and they land on it again. This could go on for the entire walk, and almost always makes me scream a few times. :P They are so bad on that road. Not sure if it's because it's pretty much all woods on either side or what. Always a relief to get off that road though. Too bad the majority (all but maybe 5 minutes) of our walk is on that road. Ha, oh well, I suck it up! I think the couple bites Kenzie has are from horse flies. She never complains on our walks, though. She sits up perfectly content, staring at everything, and is always talking out loud to me, herself, and Minnie. She points out everything, and the dogs that scared the crap out of me on our first walk, she always says, "Puppy!" when we pass them. *That story is short, but our first walk, these dogs at one house came running in our direction. There was probably at least six BIG dogs, barking, growling, etc. I swear it looked like they were all coming RIGHT for us. I was so scared that my heart beat in my head literally made it feel like the top of my head was coming off and back on. There was a huge fence there. Guess I should have known this, as WHO would let six big, mean, dogs just run loose? I guess I shouldn't say mean either, because they could be nice...I'm a stranger. They sure do look mean though!!!*

So we aren't officially started with potty training yet, but we have brought the potty here from mom's, since Desirae and Dylan both use the big potty now. Kenzie always tells us when she poops now, by simply coming up to us and saying, "Poop." Haha. She will also often grab her butt and say, "Diaper," after. I can't believe how smart she is. That's a big reason why we brought it over already; she seems like the might learn quickly. I've read that you shouldn't try to make them learn to go on the potty til they are at least three, I can't remember why, but we won't be following that! I mean, if it takes her til she's three, fine! I want her to do it when SHE'S ready. But it's worth having the potty here and letting her know what it's for. She always follows us into the bathroom, and every time I go in there, she says, "Poop" or "Pee" to me, lol. I took a picture of her just chillin' on the potty today, but have decided against posting it. I can obviously cover anything that shouldn't be seen, but I don't trust our privacy on things like this. I have reasons for not setting it to private, but also have reasons for not wanting to share certain photos. 

I finished Day 8 of Insanity like 15 minutes ago. I was pretty proud of how I did tonight. Not many breaks, and I'm already getting better at things that I normally would suck at. I'm looking forward to my next fit test, where I can see how much I improved. I don't the numbers for each exercise to be hugely different, but I do think they'll be better. :) I'm thinking about starting to do my Jillian Michael's DVD in the morning, since it's only 20 minutes, and I always liked it. That way I'm doing something first thing in the morning. We take our walk in the afternoon, then Insanity at night. JM is short, and our walk is really more for fun and to get out, so it's not like my day is all just "working out". All the above give me more energy, which is something I really need, as I'm usually always tired! Here I am after Insanity today. You can tell I'm sweating in the picture, but not as much as you can tell in person. Gross! :P

Annnnd I'm off to bed. Goodnight :)

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