Monday, July 30, 2012


I haven't done too well keeping up with this, but I just don't have much time anymore to sit at the computer. Kenzie keeps me super busy, and we are always outside, or playing, or something! :) I'm going to try to keep it going, but apologize if I don't do too well with that.
Here's the princess last night in her crib. Is she not the cutest thing ever?! Sighhh. Can you see Minnie and Elmo in her bed? She has become obsessed with Elmo, and well, Minnie, she has always been obsessed with; at least for the past few months. It's weird how she was never attached to anything...blankets, lovies, nothing. Now she won't go to sleep without them! It's cute though. Minnie goes everywhere! She's getting to look pretty dirty, so I need to figure out a way to clean her really good here soon. Anyway, in the picture, she had laid down in bed with Minnie and Elmo, then got up and was jumping like crazy in bed. Haha, she thought it was hilarious (and it was)! :P

She had her check up a couple days ago. Her pedi walked in the door and she had been running around the room in just a diaper. She stopped, looked at her pedi and just said, "Uh oh." LOL! I had to laugh. She's a couple days shy of 19 months, and is 18 lbs, 4 oz, 30 in. Still such a peanut! Her pedi actually recommended using Carnation Instant Breakfast for her to get some more calories in, but we've used it before, and she didn't like it. She's not huge on flavored milk or juices. She's a milk or water girl, like her mama, which is not a bad thing AT ALL! She mentioned pediasure, or pedialite...? Not sure, one or the other. I guess it's expensive, but she said MaineCare pays for it. She put in a request and we're supposed to hear from her soon. I guess it's just something with calories, and probably a lot of nutrients. It's not necessarily because she NEEDS it, but it's to see if it helps her put on a little weight. If she doesn't gain weight still, then she's just meant to be small. I'm leaning towards that being the case, because look at me, and look at Gus, and his whole family. But it doesn't hurt to try! She is still really picky with solids, but I've come to realize, she's a toddler, and they will pick and choose when they want to eat. If they don't want to, they won't; if they do, they will. It's better to NOT force her to, because if you force her to, she's more likely to not want to eat. She does good overall, so it's not something that worries me much, and all kids go through phases like that. Anyway, she's not even on the charts for weight, and I can't remember what she is for height. They actually wrote down 32" for her height, but she was measured at just 30" a couple weeks ago. Also, when we went to OOB, she was too small for any of the rides, which you have to be at least 32" for. She wasn't even close, so I'm not even thinking 31" yet! Soo, I don't know what percentile that'd put her in for height. She was freaking out when the lady did it, because she knows what a doctors office is now, and what they do, lol. She does well with just sitting, but when they try to lay her down, she's like hell no! :P She had one shot, and she did cry, but it didn't last long. Bet it hurts those little legs :( She recovered in no time though. We are going back in a couple months just to check her weight, to see if the Pedia-whatever is helping or if she's just going to be a small girl.

We were going to go for our walk today, but we got as far as dad's and I decided against it. For some reason, I didn't think it was going to be super warm out, so I wore jeans and a tank top. I already felt way too hot by the time I got to dad's, so instead, we stopped there to visit (which we were going to do anyway). He had gone on a rescue call earlier in the day where a TV had fallen on a five year old girl. It landed on her leg and broke her tibia, which is the bigger bone in your leg. It's not the first time I've heard a story like that, and it's scary! People need to be careful and pay attention to their kids. I know it could happen to someone even had they been paying attention, but it seems you just can never fully baby/kid proof a home! Luckily it just landed on her leg. He got another call while I was there, assistance in Palermo for a possible heart attack. Hopefully they were okay. I stayed and hungout with Amanda, Danny, and Sydney, until Sydney went to Katina's to play with Libby. Of course we threw things into the fan and entertained ourselves that way for a while, hahah. :P I seriously have THE BEST family, hands down. We are all so much alike, and it's ridiculous. :P

I guess Charles has been trying to convince Jaime to move up this way. Sadly, it'll never happen. She says there's nothing up here. There's nothing down there either, lol. Okay, maybe a little more than up here, but come on, this is Maine. There's nothing to do in Maine period! :P I wishhh she would though. I would love, love, love to have my best friend right close by. I would love to be able to just up and go see her whenever I want instead of just once in a while, and have it need to be all planned out. I just miss my old friends, especially lately. My old friends were the truest friends I've ever had. I guess I don't mean to say old, because that sounds like I'm talking elementary days (although I miss them too!), but I mean like from the days Krystle was around and earlier. I miss Krystle, too! Her and I had clicked instantly when we worked at Walmart, and became inseparable. Some of my absolute favorite memories were with that girl, as well as Jaime of course. I found a bunch of old pictures the other day that got me thinking about old friends, and old memories. It's just a bummer. I feel like we miss out on a lot in each others lives, because it's simply too hard to really keep in touch well when we're so far apart. That doesn't mean anything changes though, and the quote above is very true to me. Pictures bring up a lot of memories, though, and just make me think. I'm always wondering where we'd be today, had Krystle, Gus, and I all stayed in the apartment, or even had Krystle just stayed in Maine, even after we left. And if Jaime lived closer, Aiden and Kenzie would grow up to be best friends (BF/GF?! lol). See, I just think too much, but the point is...I MISS MY FRIENDS. So, so, so much. I don't have many people around here, and it bums me out. I guess I need to get out and meet some new people. :P

China Days is this weekend. I'm hoping we can meet up with Marcy, Dezmand, and Parker, and take the kids to do some fun things. There's a parade, some animal petting thing at the library that I think Kenzie would love, tons of kids activities at the school like bouncy houses and stuff, fireworks, etc. Kenzie will have such a blast! 

I almost forgot all about Insanity, which is something I had intended on updating about that often. It has been going pretty good. I did miss a day and still actually am trying to get caught up. I'm so dead after one workout, that I can't do another, so I've had one to catch up on all week. So, either I'll do two tonight, or two on my off day tomorrow. Anyway, I've been lacking motivation, unfortunately, but I think a lot of it's related to the whole friends thing. I've just been bummed out the past week, and sick of a lot of things. I've still kept up with it, minus getting behind the one day, just have had no ambition for it whatsoever. I'm hoping I can get myself motivated again this week and more excited to do it, rather than think of it as something I HAVE to do. Wish it wasn't always so damn hot in this apartment too, because it about kills me every time! 

Well, I'll stop being a lazy slacker and get busy before I decide it's too late to workout, haha. Goodnight!


  1. Your doc was probably talking about pedisure, that is what we have our LB (little butt) drinking right now. Her 18 month is coming up if she had a good enough weight gain I am hoping we can stop the pedisure because your doc is right that stuff is not cheap

  2. Yeah its supposed to be paid for through her MaineCare, but we gotta hear from her to make sure. She's always happy so I have a feeling she's just gonna be small!
