There probably couldn't have been a better time for Crowdtap and Old Navy to offer a new sample & share, especially it being sweaters! I was excited about this one, because not only am I in need of fall/winter clothing, but it sure is cold in Maine!
I was anxious to pick and friend and tell them about the new sample & share, because I knew they'd be excited about it, too, considering the increasingly chilly weather. I decided to bring my friend, Erica. My friend, Megan, also got picked for this sample & share, so we decided to go as a group. Megan brought along a mutual friend, Nikki.
We all looked online beforehand, but we have learned not to fall too in love with anything until we're in the store, because they don't always have what is shown online. The sweaters I were eyeing said they weren't available at the store we'd be going to, but I was happy there was such a wide selection, that I was bound to find something I loved!
Sure enough, when we got to the store, the selection was pretty awesome! There seemed to be a lot of the basic sweaters, available in many, many colors. I love that they offer the basic, neutral colors, but also brighter colors! I'm fair skinned, so neutral colors can wash me out sometimes. Plus, neutral is also sometimes boring, in my opinion!
We each had grabbed several colors of the basic sweaters, and after, that is when I spotted the sweaters I had been eyeing online. They WERE available in the store after all! I was pretty excited about this! I'm talking about the Fair-Isle Cardis. They were also available in more colors/patterns than I had seen online, and look better in person and on than they do on the website; all good things!
Along with the Fair-Isle Cardis, the Softest Sweater Cardis and the Dolman Sleeve Tunic seemed to be the most popular among the four of us. The basic sweaters are great, but I think we were all going for something not-so-basic.
I must say, this was probably the best experience I've had yet as far as employees are concerned. I never had any major problems in the past, but the looks we were given while trying on clothes often got to the point where we were uncomfortable to take pictures, or even leave the dressing room! We had two girls telling us what looked good, and even taking a few pictures for us (which was a first!).
Once in the dressing rooms, we each had a variety of sweaters to try on. I was surprised by the basic sweaters. At first glance, I thought I would hate how they fit. I'm more a fan of longer sweaters, and they didn't look like they'd be long enough. They seemed to fit me just fine! My only worry would be washing them, and having it shrink, which I think is part of what held me back from making them my top choice.
I really like the Dolman Sleeve Tunics. They are cute and would be easy to dress up or down. My only concern was that it is only 3/4 sleeve. As much as I loved how it looked on, I knew I needed to go with something a lot warmer than that!
The Softest Sweater Cardis are super cute! To me, they seem like a dressier version of the basic cardis. I think it was a toss up for me between this and the Fair-Isle Cardis. In the end, these aren't as thick as I'd like, with winter on its way!
I think all of the Fair-Isle Cardis caught my eye! When I looked online, my top choice out of all the sweaters was the "In The Navy" print. I love pink, so it stood out. I tried every single color/pattern choice that my store had, and while I loved the "In The Navy", I ended up choosing the "Camel" print. I have brown boots, so it just went perfectly with them. I figure that I can wear them with more, since it's a neutral color. I know, I know, seems kind of hypocritical, with me saying earlier that I really like brighter colors. ;) I went with what I thought looked best on, though!I'm super happy with my pick! It was the thickest of everything I tried on, and this was an important factor for me. It's warm, cozy, and comfortable! It's cute, and perfect to keep me warm this time of year.
My friend, Erica, had a really hard time choosing between the Fair-Isle Cardi in "In The Navy" and the Softest Sweater Cardi in black. In the end, she went with the Softest Sweater Cardi.
Megan ended up choosing the Dolman Sleeve Tunic in black, and Nikki got the Fair-Isle Cardi in charcoal.
It was a lot of fun to not just bring a friend along, but to have another friend get chosen for this sample share, so we could make it a group thing. We had a blast as usual!
Be sure to check out Old Navy's selection of sweaters (on sale right now!). The selection is great!
And if you haven't joined Crowdtap yet, do so now! There are always so many great opportunities once you join!
Thanks again Crowdtap and Old Navy!
* Side note - computer crashed and this is being done on a phone, so it wont look as neat as most of my posts usually are, and the pictures will likely all post at the bottom, but its the best I can do for now. I promise I'll fix it when I'm able, and hope you all understand. ;) *

I was anxious to pick and friend and tell them about the new sample & share, because I knew they'd be excited about it, too, considering the increasingly chilly weather. I decided to bring my friend, Erica. My friend, Megan, also got picked for this sample & share, so we decided to go as a group. Megan brought along a mutual friend, Nikki.
We all looked online beforehand, but we have learned not to fall too in love with anything until we're in the store, because they don't always have what is shown online. The sweaters I were eyeing said they weren't available at the store we'd be going to, but I was happy there was such a wide selection, that I was bound to find something I loved!
Sure enough, when we got to the store, the selection was pretty awesome! There seemed to be a lot of the basic sweaters, available in many, many colors. I love that they offer the basic, neutral colors, but also brighter colors! I'm fair skinned, so neutral colors can wash me out sometimes. Plus, neutral is also sometimes boring, in my opinion!
We each had grabbed several colors of the basic sweaters, and after, that is when I spotted the sweaters I had been eyeing online. They WERE available in the store after all! I was pretty excited about this! I'm talking about the Fair-Isle Cardis. They were also available in more colors/patterns than I had seen online, and look better in person and on than they do on the website; all good things!
Along with the Fair-Isle Cardis, the Softest Sweater Cardis and the Dolman Sleeve Tunic seemed to be the most popular among the four of us. The basic sweaters are great, but I think we were all going for something not-so-basic.
I must say, this was probably the best experience I've had yet as far as employees are concerned. I never had any major problems in the past, but the looks we were given while trying on clothes often got to the point where we were uncomfortable to take pictures, or even leave the dressing room! We had two girls telling us what looked good, and even taking a few pictures for us (which was a first!).
Once in the dressing rooms, we each had a variety of sweaters to try on. I was surprised by the basic sweaters. At first glance, I thought I would hate how they fit. I'm more a fan of longer sweaters, and they didn't look like they'd be long enough. They seemed to fit me just fine! My only worry would be washing them, and having it shrink, which I think is part of what held me back from making them my top choice.
I really like the Dolman Sleeve Tunics. They are cute and would be easy to dress up or down. My only concern was that it is only 3/4 sleeve. As much as I loved how it looked on, I knew I needed to go with something a lot warmer than that!
The Softest Sweater Cardis are super cute! To me, they seem like a dressier version of the basic cardis. I think it was a toss up for me between this and the Fair-Isle Cardis. In the end, these aren't as thick as I'd like, with winter on its way!
I think all of the Fair-Isle Cardis caught my eye! When I looked online, my top choice out of all the sweaters was the "In The Navy" print. I love pink, so it stood out. I tried every single color/pattern choice that my store had, and while I loved the "In The Navy", I ended up choosing the "Camel" print. I have brown boots, so it just went perfectly with them. I figure that I can wear them with more, since it's a neutral color. I know, I know, seems kind of hypocritical, with me saying earlier that I really like brighter colors. ;) I went with what I thought looked best on, though!I'm super happy with my pick! It was the thickest of everything I tried on, and this was an important factor for me. It's warm, cozy, and comfortable! It's cute, and perfect to keep me warm this time of year.
My friend, Erica, had a really hard time choosing between the Fair-Isle Cardi in "In The Navy" and the Softest Sweater Cardi in black. In the end, she went with the Softest Sweater Cardi.
Megan ended up choosing the Dolman Sleeve Tunic in black, and Nikki got the Fair-Isle Cardi in charcoal.
It was a lot of fun to not just bring a friend along, but to have another friend get chosen for this sample share, so we could make it a group thing. We had a blast as usual!
Be sure to check out Old Navy's selection of sweaters (on sale right now!). The selection is great!
And if you haven't joined Crowdtap yet, do so now! There are always so many great opportunities once you join!
Thanks again Crowdtap and Old Navy!
* Side note - computer crashed and this is being done on a phone, so it wont look as neat as most of my posts usually are, and the pictures will likely all post at the bottom, but its the best I can do for now. I promise I'll fix it when I'm able, and hope you all understand. ;) *

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