Thursday, January 26, 2012

Just thoughts

You know what's crazy to me? How each and every second of your life affects your future in some way.

I've been thinking a lot about when Gus and I first met, more so the friendship we had with Krystle than anything. For one, none of us would have met had we not worked together. That makes me wonder, who would Gus be with now, had he not met me? Then I was thinking to later, when we were all living together, and Gus moved out, and I was left to decide whether to go or stay. Eventually,  I ended up moving out. I remember back when we first moved in, Krystle always said her dad asked what she was going to do when later down the road, after becoming close with one another, we all decided we didn't want to live together anymore. I always would say I didn't see that happening, but it didn't take long before it did. Her and I still kept in touch for a while after, as much as we could anyway, but she eventually moved back to Massachusetts, and we barely speak now. It just makes me wonder...where would we all be now had we stayed living where we were? Would Gus and I still have Makenzie? Would Krystle not have met Alex? Would Damien be here? It's just really weird to think about. 
With all that said, I just know I really miss the friendship we all used to have, and having someone I could tell anything and everything to. It makes me sad to know I've lost one of my best friends. I've never had a friendship the same as the one I had with Krystle. But we both grew our separate ways and just lost touch I guess. She's engaged, which I didn't know about, and I know there's plenty she has missed in our lives as well. Finding out she's engaged is actually what got me thinking about so much, as it's not something I really ever think of often. The quote in the picture says it all.

It's not just this one example either. Have you ever thought about a decision you made, and if that wasn't what you decided, how differently things could have turned out? Like what if Gus never moved back to Maine from Colorado? What if I had stayed in college? It's weird how each and every second of our lives make a path to where we are now, and how everything could have been different in a split second.

Anyway, we still haven't got our taxes back. I heard the IRS is having problems and there was a delay. It still says by the 31st, so I'm hoping that's right. I'm anxious to take care of some things.

Ending with a picture of Kenzie yesterday with her cosuins. They are way too cute!!


  1. I honestly never thought about that until you just mentioned it. I don't think I wanna think about it too much though cause at this point I don't think i'd change a thing, not if it ment not having Hayden here!! But it definitely is really weird to think about, I think about how skinny i'd still be lol :p I do love you n Kenzie and i'm sorry you're sad :( I'm sorry we couldn't make it over today, we hope to see you this weekend!!

  2. Yeah, it's really weird! And trust me, I'm happy with where I'm at for sure, it's just funny how life works, and how if you made one opposite decision, you could be somewhere completely different in life!

    I'm not really sad, just...I don't even know. Disappointed I guess. The three of us were inseparable. It alway sucks losing touch with people who used to be a big part of your life.

    I'm writing back to you message on FB now lol sorry, been busy cleaning today!
