Sunday, October 7, 2012


It's just one of those blah nights. I haven't been feeling like myself today. For one, I'm just not happy with how I tried convincing myself to keep in shape, and yet I feel like every single night, instead of working out, I just sit around and do the things I'd RATHER be doing. I know I'm not overweight; I'm actually at a pretty perfect weight for my height, but jeez! The way I eat, and then the fact that other than walks during the day and playing with Kenzie, I'm not doing much else! And I honestly think the way I eat just makes me feel horrible. Don't get me wrong, I know MANY who eat so much worse than me, but it's a combination of needing to eat better, and just needing to broaden my horizons when it comes to food, haha. I just thought I was going to stick with it, and definitely didn't. Now I need to get with the program, and stick with it this time. :) I'm restarting Insanity tomorrow. I went a little crazy with the eating healthy ideas last time around, and figured out fairly quickly that it wouldn't work 100% for me. I also want to enjoy life, and not constantly worry about what I eat, lol. Anyway, I don't know why this is something that has been bumming me out, but I just want to be healthier. I think in doing so, I'll have more energy and will just be happier. Who is going to be my motivator? Haha.

And then there's friends...this is one that goes through my head often. I miss my friends! My real friends. It seriously sucks when everyone moves so far away. I miss the kind of friends I can tell ANYTHING to. There are a handful of people who know me REALLY well, and they are the ones who are too far away to just hop in the car and go to. That's a part of growing up though, and growing up sucks. :P Just miss my best friends!

ANYWAY! Little Miss Blythe is finally here! She is adorable! Alicia was in labor for 31 hours and then wound up having a c-section due to it taking so long to dilate. Poor girl; so far probably the worse labor story I've heard yet, but of course it was all worth it in the end. We went in the morning after she had her. I was nervous about it because I know she had a long labor, and had no clue how much or how little she slept. Gus had to work, so we did a couple things in town, then headed to the hospital. It was like 8:15. They were sleeping, but when the nurse went in, she noticed Alicia look up. I still feel bad, because I could tell they were tired, but it was nice seeing them and meeting the baby. I'm SO SO SO happy to have a baby GIRL to shop for! I have the worst obsession with baby girl clothes, and I guess just everything baby girl related haha. We brought her a lot of things Makenzie has outgrown, and are giving her Makenzie's swing. Ugh, baby girls give me the worst baby fever EVERRR! I'm pretty sure we'll hold off until next year, but ahhh. We are going to visit them Tuesday. I miss old times at Cheech's house with everyone (well, with a couple exceptions)! It'll be fun to hangout with them, although in a completely different element. Megan will be there, too. We are all now parents. :) Then there are the others that are still living with mommy and daddy...

We went to Shannon (Steven's sister) and Eric's wedding yesterday. I was a little worried, since it was outdoors, and the weather didn't sound too promising. It actually was pretty perfect! The ceremony was probably one of the shortest I've ever seen, but it was nice. 
Desirae and Dylan were in it; they were ring bearer and flower girl. Khloe (Shannon's daughter) was also one of the flower girls. How cute are they?!
Here's my little girl at the wedding. She is headed in the direction of the neighbors swingset/slide, lol. She was eyeballing it the entire time before, during, and after the ceremony, and at the end, I finally told her she could go play. She looked so cute it her little dress. :)
I changed her when we got to the reception hall. I kept seeing this little dress (which actually fits as a top on her, since it's 12 months and she technically should be in about 24 months lol) at Walmart, but the smallest they had was 18 months - considering even this 12 months is fairly big, not happening! I found this one online though, and was pretty excited. It's SO cute! She's being silly and pointing out her nose (like she does often, along with other body parts), but oh my goodness, isn't she seriously SO pretty?! I really think we will have our hands full when she's older. I know EVERY mom thinks their child is perfect, but she really is. If you say there's no such thing as perfect, she's as close as it gets. <3
She has been SO lovey with Dylan lately. I think she's warmed up to him a lot because Desirae is gone to school so often now, that for a few hours, she only has him to play with. She's always saying his name, too, now, not just hers. If I say, "Desi is coming!" she'll go, "And Dynin?" Lol. She is always randomly going up to him and hugging him, and not just a simple hug...she will hug him, put her arm around his neck, press her cheek against his, kiss him, haha. It's so funny, and Dylan isn't really into it! :P In this picture, she had just kissed him, or was going in for it, I can't remember, but my camera was too slow to capture it either way. Way too cute though :)
Oh my, did my child LOVE the dance floor. She had SO MUCH FUN! I'm not surprised, because she's always loved to dance, and is the best baby dancer I've ever seen lol, but she would literally throw herself backwards and scream and cry if I ever tried to pick her up and take her away, even if just for a second. Most of the night, I let her stay out there, and just kept a good eye on where she was, since occasionally she'd wander around. I'm not sure who the little boy is that she's dancing with; I think he's the son of one of the bridesmaids and groomsmen. So funny :)
And here she is really breaking it down, LOL! The guy beside her is the dj. He seriously has to be like 70 something, but he was SOOO funny! He would start a song, then come out and dance...and I mean DANCE! :P He was twirling, shaking it, getting down. Haha! I think in this picture, Kenzie might be copying him when he's pumping his arms. She loves to mock pretty much anything and everything people do, so needless to say, her dancing, on top of her cuteness, everyone thought she was a BIG hit (as was the dj haha!). Kenzie had a BLAST, and I'm pretty sure she didn't want to leave. She slept most of the way home, and went right to bed when we got home.

We still haven't decided on a date for pumpkin picking. This month is fairly busy, but I really want to go so we can take Kenzie. :) She's at such a fun age right now, where she actually REALLY enjoys things. I'd like to get a few friends together to go, too, but not sure how it'll work out. It seems the more people you invite, the more difficult it is.

Anyway, for some odd reason, ALL I can smell is Vick's vapor rub, lol. No clue why, but it smells like I have a Vick's vaporizor on in here or something (which I don't; I don't own one) haha. I love the smell of it, but not quite sure where it's coming from?! And to end my blabbering...I'm off to bed. :)

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