Wednesday, May 9, 2012


I just really haven't been feeling like myself lately. It's a mix of many things that I don't care to talk about. I hate when I feel like this, because I don't have it as bad as some people, and things could be way worse. When I feel like this, for some reason it always makes me miss my friends. You know, the TRUE friends, who have been there since the day they met you, the ones who have never done you wrong. This especially goes for Jaime, Kendra, and Krystle. Luckily, I see Kendra every once in a great while, and hopefully more, since she's working in Augusta. Jaime and Krystle, though, I never get to see. I talk to Jaime fairly often, but Krystle and I don't get to talk much. I miss these girls so much, and would give anything to have them all right close by. Tough times are so much easier when you have the people you were always able to depend on. I miss all our late night talks with Jaime, all the stupid things I did with Kendra, and writing letters to Krystle, even though we lived in the same house. :P It just sucks being so far away.

I also should mention Tabby...while we have our past and definitely always haven't gotten along, things have come a long way with us, and I'm thankful to have a friend like her, too. It's good having someone who can relate to everything that goes on in my life, and who is there for me whenever I need someone to talk to. It's definitely important to have people you can vent to about anything and everything!

ANYWAY! This rain isn't helping anything. Seriously, bring on the warm weather! We're all so ready for it! It was pretty nice out the other day, warm enough to take the kids out. They had fun running around, and I got to take a few pictures. I have never done any nature photography, but it was kind of fun :-) We found a butterfly and chased it around for a while. Here it is:

Oh, and before I end this, I have to share this video a few of my friends posted on Facebook. I always hate to hear people making fun of other people. Once you truly grow up, I think you really realize the toll it can take on a person. In this case, it's about a baby boy. He was born with a cleft lip and palate and his eyes were clefted; they never formed. I can only imagine the stares his mother got, and the things people said. I love when she says people would stare and whisper, then he would giggle, and they'd giggle. He might look different, but he's still a beautiful little boy! And she's a great mother. The video explains it better, so here it is. Goodnight!

1 comment:

  1. This entry made me happy/sad. I know we've come a long way as friends and I NEVER wanna be in the bad place we were before, I know i've hurt you and betrayed you in the past and I wish I could take it back. I can't, all I can do is move on and try to show you I AM a good person and I AM a good friend.

    I love you and Kenzie to pieces, I know we don't hang out much but I KNOW I can ALWAYS come to you and talk to you about anything and everything and you know i'm here for you too, always. You don't know how much that means to me!!

    I'm soo happy to have you in my life and I can't wait to watch our kids grow together (cheeeessssyyy...but true :))

    LOVE YOU!!!!!! :):)
